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Surat ke Karyawan Ungkap Alasan CEO Amazon Mundur, Begini Isinya - 03/02/2021, 12:30 WIB
Bill Clinten,
Oik Yusuf

Tim Redaksi

Sumber Amazon - Jeff Bezos mengumumkan akan mundur dari posisinya sebagai CEO Amazon. Pria berkepala plontos ini adalah sosok founder Amazon yang setia mengawal pertumbuhannya sejak didirikan 27 tahun lalu.

Bezos pun melayangkan surat yang ditujukan kepada para karyawan Amazon. Di dalamnya, dia mengatakan akan menyerahkan jabatan CEO perusahaan ke Andy Jassy yang kini menjabat sebagai CEO Amazon Web Services.

Dia juga mengisahkan perjalanan hidupya di Amazon yang bermula pada 1994. Ketika itu, tulis Bezos, internet masih belum banyak diketahui oleh orang-orang dan Amazon masih sekadar ide belaka.

Baca juga: Jeff Bezos Mundur dari Jabatan CEO Amazon

Awalnya Amazon adalah toko buku online, tapi kemudian berkembang menjual aneka barang lain serta membuat produk sendiri. Area bisnisnya pun melebar hingga turut mencakup cloud service dan gadget.

Menurut Bezos, Amazon telah banyak mempelopori inovasi baru yang awalnya dianggap sebagai ide nyeleneh -mulai dari ulasan pembeli hingga infrastruktur cloud- tapi kemudian diterima dan dianggap normal.

"Penciptaan hal-hal baru adalah akar kesuksesan kita," ujar Bezos dalam suratnya. "Kalau dilakukan dengan benar, beberapa tahun kemudian sebuah ciptaan baru akan dianggap normal," imbuhnya.

Amazon kini telah tumbuh menjadi salah satu perusahaan terbesar di dunia yang mempekerjakan lebih dari 1,3 juta orang. Bezos sendiri adalah orang terkaya di dunia berkat kepemilikannya atas perusahaan tersebut.

Baca juga: Mengenal Andy Jessy, Sosok Pengganti Jeff Bezos sebagai CEO Amazon

Kendati demikian, dia merasa kini sudah saatnya mundur dan menyerahkan tanggung jawab sebagai CEO kepada Andy Jassy yang akan mulai menjabat pada kuartal-III 2021.

Alasannya, dia merasa terlalu sibuk sehingga tidak bisa mengurus hal lain. "Menjadi CEO Amazon adalah tanggung jawab yang besar," katanya.

Setelah undur diri, Bezos berharap bisa lebih fokus di usahanya yang lain, seperti perusahaan antariksa Blue Origin, surat kabar The Washington Post, dan yayasan lingkungan Bezos Earth Fund.

Bezos juga akan masih menjabat sebagai chairman Amazon dan akan melibatkan diri dalam proyek-proyek penting perusahaan tersebut.

Selengkapnya, isi surat Bezos kepada karyawan dapat dilihat di bawah, sebagaimana dihimpun KompasTekno dari laman, Rabu (3/2/2021).

Fellow Amazonians:

I'm excited to announce that this Q3 I'll transition to Executive Chair of the Amazon Board and Andy Jassy will become CEO. In the Exec Chair role, I intend to focus my energies and attention on new products and early initiatives. Andy is well known inside the company and has been at Amazon almost as long as I have. He will be an outstanding leader, and he has my full confidence.

This journey began some 27 years ago. Amazon was only an idea, and it had no name. The question I was asked most frequently at that time was, "What's the internet?" Blessedly, I haven't had to explain that in a long while.

Today, we employ 1.3 million talented, dedicated people, serve hundreds of millions of customers and businesses, and are widely recognized as one of the most successful companies in the world.

How did that happen? Invention. Invention is the root of our success. We've done crazy things together, and then made them normal. We pioneered customer reviews, 1-Click, personalized recommendations, Prime's insanely-fast shipping, Just Walk Out shopping, the Climate Pledge, Kindle, Alexa, marketplace, infrastructure cloud computing, Career Choice, and much more. If you get it right, a few years after a surprising invention, the new thing has become normal. People yawn. And that yawn is the greatest compliment an inventor can receive.

I don't know of another company with an invention track record as good as Amazon's, and I believe we are at our most inventive right now. I hope you are as proud of our inventiveness as I am. I think you should be.

As Amazon became large, we decided to use our scale and scope to lead on important social issues. Two high-impact examples: our $15 minimum wage and the Climate Pledge. In both cases, we staked out leadership positions and then asked others to come along with us. In both cases, it's working. Other large companies are coming our way. I hope you're proud of that as well.

I find my work meaningful and fun. I get to work with the smartest, most talented, most ingenious teammates. When times have been good, you've been humble. When times have been tough, you've been strong and supportive, and we've made each other laugh. It is a joy to work on this team.

As much as I still tap dance into the office, I'm excited about this transition. Millions of customers depend on us for our services, and more than a million employees depend on us for their livelihoods. Being the CEO of Amazon is a deep responsibility, and it's consuming. When you have a responsibility like that, it's hard to put attention on anything else. As Exec Chair I will stay engaged in important Amazon initiatives but also have the time and energy I need to focus on the Day 1 Fund, the Bezos Earth Fund, Blue Origin, The Washington Post, and my other passions. I've never had more energy, and this isn't about retiring. I'm super passionate about the impact I think these organizations can have.

Amazon couldn't be better positioned for the future. We are firing on all cylinders, just as the world needs us to. We have things in the pipeline that will continue to astonish. We serve individuals and enterprises, and we've pioneered two complete industries and a whole new class of devices. We are leaders in areas as varied as machine learning and logistics, and if an Amazonian's idea requires yet another new institutional skill, we're flexible enough and patient enough to learn it.

Keep inventing, and don't despair when at first the idea looks crazy. Remember to wander. Let curiosity be your compass. It remains Day 1.


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Sumber Amazon

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